Sign up to the SHAF Arts Trail 2023 NOW!
Applications Open March 1st - April 15th

The SHAF Arts Trail 2023 runs from Saturday 14th to Sunday 29th October.

Please ensure that you complete ALL the requirements in the form. Payment options will follow when the online application form has been completed and you click ‘Proceed to checkout’.

The fee for participation in The Arts Trail 2023 is £70 per artist. Please note that, in the highly unlikely event the Arts Trail has to be cancelled, a FULL REFUND of the participation fee of £70 will be made to all registrants. (There will be no refund of SHAF membership fees -- £30/annum -- as SHAF membership entitles member-artists to many benefits, including the opportunity to showcase their work on their own Artist Profile page on the website).

Please also note that SHAF, in order to protect your privacy, will only use your details to promote the SHAF Arts Trail in the brochure and related promotional advertising.

Venues: Please be aware that SHAF is not responsible for finding venues for participating artists. However, the Market Hall, Kingsbridge, has been reserved for the 2023 Arts Trail and artists wishing to exhibit there should indicate the Market Hall as their preferred venue on the Sign Up Form (SHAF will confirm availability). If you do not have a venue or are looking for someone to share a venue with you (such as your own home/studio, or an available public space in your community), please contact the Arts Trail Manager at who will provide as much help as possible.

In order to suit personal calendars and commitments, the Sign Up Form allows participants to choose whether their venues will be open for the full 16 days or a portion of the Trail. Participants may also choose hours of opening, including 'late night' openings, if desired.

In the past, up to 70 SHAF artists participated in the Trail, exhibiting and selling their work in approximately 30 venues. The Arts Trail provides an opportunity for visitors to view and buy work directly from the makers.

    How Can SHAF Contact You

    Your contact information will only be used to send you necessary information about your participation in the Arts Trail.

    About Your Work

    The following information will be used for publication in the Arts Trail brochure and may also be used in other media to promote the event.

    Upload square images of your work

    Artist Contact Details

    These details will be used as public contact details for the arts trail

    Tell Us About Your Venue

    Your venue image may be included in the brochure if there is enough space and at the discretion of the Arts Trail committee. Please submit an attractive image of your venue (inside or outside).

    Upload Venue Image

    Venue Accessibilty & Parking


    As well as the images of your work and venue, submitted above, do you have any other promotional imagery of yourself as an artist at work, your studio or venue, or pictures of your Arts Trail venue from a previous year? By submitting these images, you are giving the SHAF Arts Trail committee permission to use them to promote you as an artist, your venue and the Arts Trail online in social media and in other media.

    Venue Opening Times

    Below are examples of opening and closing times, please change them as appropriate. Type "Closed" if you are not open.

    Distribution of Promotional Materials

    Each participating artist is responsible for distribution of brochures, posters and flyers across the South Hams. Each brochure costs just under £1; they need to be put to work! Distribute brochures everywhere in your locality: pubs, restaurants, hotels, shops, information points. Why not on public footpaths, for example, in a weathertight transparent box? Be creative! And don't forget to keep the locations you are covering topped up. Remember to invite your loyal clients too! You will have an allotted amount to collect and distribute, but if you can proactively do more or if you are happy to ensure a specific area is always covered, please tell us below. If you can't fully distribute your share, pass them onto other artists rather than waste them. (Final quantities of promotional materials to each artist will remain at the discretion of the Arts Trail committee. Further distribution details will be provided nearer the time.)

    Please type quantity you would like to receive if higher than the quantity suggested:

    Public Liability Insurance

    Please confirm that you will have public liability insurance cover during the Arts Trail. As the organiser, SHAF is not responsible for insurance coverage of individual artists, artwork, or for security, health and safety at venues. You are expected to arrange and provide proof of insurance coverage, if requested, for the duration of the event. It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with the requirements of your insurance policy.

    Thank you for your application. Please note this form is only for those that have already paid their application